Archive for the 'Bike Polo' Category

Kateřina hraje polo

pánové, čekáme vás zase v neděli na Pankráci od dvou odpoledne

next polo Sunday 25.11   14.00

St. Martin polo


Příští hra opět v neděli – 11.11.  od 13.00  hřiště Pankrác – Poloáza

potvrzení členové vnikajícího klubu pod SK Oáza – Mauri, Lukáš,Jirka,Pavel,Juraj a Cory?

Next session – Sunday 11.11. at 13.00

V neděli 4.11 se hraje za účasti hráčů z Pardubic
Takže ve 13.00 první zápas
Hřiště Pankrác – roh Perlitová a jeremenkova – SK Oáza

Hey all you wankers! or E-coli III – Beware The Bike Culture

I’m not sure if this is serious how seriously to take this email, but I swear it was received. I’ll post it here in all its glory. In the end, I’m not sure what Rev. Phil wants – a kitchen? A theater? A couch? A round of antibiotics and a package of Action Wipes? Anyway, he’s really disappointed about the response from Prague to his proposed bikeanalia straight outta Portland.

I can say with all confidence that I will not be attending any such performance. My threshold for “creative” genre-bending is breached by MDMA brunch and if I were to “lube my bike’s bottom bracket”, I can assure you it would happen in private. Sorry if it sounds prude, but shit, that seat licking thing, that’s how diseases are spread.

Enjoy 😀

Hi Praha Fixed!

My name is reverend phil. I have been kicking ass all over Portland
Oregon: racing kids bikes downhill, jousting on tall bikes, more than
a few years of polo behind me, and i can drink myself under the table
and wake up and cook amazing meals


Beyond just biking around drinking beer and enjoying life my team and I are
sharing a collection of erotic bicycle movies.

Yes, bike porn.

We have straight porn, lesbian porn, queer porn, polo porn, mtb porn,
bmx porn, rain gear porn, exercise bike porn and more! Each movie is a
cinematic triumph for healthier lives via good sex and good cycling.

For 4 years we have traveled around North America showing these
inspiring works of bikesexuality and now, for the first time, we are
in Europe! This is a pretty special thing. We don’t sell DVDs and you
can’t watch many movies online. The ONLY way to see them is when we
visit and local bikers set up a screening.

Our polo/porno history goes back a ways. Seattle asked us to play when
they hosted the North American Hardcourt Championships 2 years ago. We
had multiple screenings and the drunk fuck polo players screamed and
laughed for hours. But just last month we visited Leipzig for an
alleycat race and decided to do an impromptu show in an attic that
night.  It was great!

I am planning on playing polo regardless, but if you can help us with
a show then I would be REALLY stoked.

We would love to play in Praha Wednesday June 15th. That is very soon, but
it is totally possible. We have our own projector, but we need a
space, some chairs, and an appropriate audio system for the space. Oh
and we need some mature bikers!

We have asked around but so far the response from Praha has been kinda
pathetic. It makes me sad, because ive wanted to visit prague for more
than a decade!

But check it! (a trailer, NSFW)

We are coming and we need your help!


Bikes and sex for the purpose of saving humanity.!/BikeSmut

jaro je tady

that’s right, spring is here! well, unfortunately, that means the spring rain is here, too. so, it’s time to bust out the rain gear, race blades and add a few meters to your skid stop. first off, there are a few events coming up:

jarní alleycat – 16th of April · 13:00 – 16:00

this might actually be the closest thing to a real alleycat that prague has seen… well, maybe. 🙂

for more info:

and then there is the

Pražské cyklojízdy / Prague Critical Mass – 28th of April 18:00-??

it’s always fun to ride and extend your middle finger to the thousands of douche bags, who are stuck waiting a whole 10 minutes, in their cars during the critical-mass. i know it only makes these škoda-jockeys hate us even more… but, very moment counts during this biannual event.

for more info:


one last thing i want to put out there before i finish this quick update…

bike polo, bike polo, bike polo.
i’ve got some sad news, my friends… it looks like there is a chance we might lose our spot at the Malešice rink. it’s not 100%. but, we are currently searching for a new spot, just in case. any thoughts and suggestions are welcome. the good new is… in the near future, we will be getting our lazy asses up and running with some new organization that could include membership benefits and an actual league . don’t worry, we are still the same polo playing, beer drinking, fixie riding assholes. but, with a little organization, we could possibly host a tournament this year… 🙂 there are even rumors flying around about sponsorship, custom wheel guards and some new top-secret mallet construction. stay tuned!

that’s it, i’m done. remember… don’t be a bunch of bitches… keep riding, rain or shine!

Bastogne nad Vltavou

It’s been said many time, many ways, but still:


Makes me giggle.

Salo noted the fact that it is face-freezing cold, and I’d just like to take a few pixels to point out that I agree. What he OUGHT to do about it is to post some pictures of his luxurious tour de Marin County here so we can all dream up novel curses to share with him next time we see him. Not to worry, though, spring is on the way… Right? I’ve actually seen more and more commuters out these days despite the cold. Even the messenger with the cargo bike is back on the streets. It gets to feeling as though Prague is warming to cyclists, until I get home and find the “no bicycles” sign the fat bastard owner installed in the lift especially for me.

One little thing that I do in cold like this is to loosen each spoke a quarter turn, then draw it back in again. It lets me know which ones are stressed and where to expect problems.  That and keeping the chain clean. I’m not sure if it helps anything, but it makes me feel better 🙂

Momentary Lapses

Must have been something in the rohliky today, because I saw no less than 9 bike commuters on the way to work! Not couriers, hurrying to their lurking stair in front of the CSOB on Na Prikope, but actual, in the flesh cycle commuters with feral looks, fenders, ear warmers and big, bulky bags!

Nothing really to say, I was just sort of excited! Probably I missed something? Is everyone who cycles to work meant to get a half-day off?

Polo tomorrow?

Prague polo team takes Pardubice by storm

Poločas Rozpadu

The Golden Boys, Poločas Rozpadu: Smrťák, salo, Pavel

As we mentioned previously, this past weekend our friends in Pardubice hosted a polo tournament. Unfortunately, it so happened that it coincided with the Czech National Single Speed Championships, which swiftly reduced the ranks of potential players from Prague in half.

On Saturday morning, three of us who either lacked the necessary equipment or interest to partake in the single-speed MTB race, gathered and set course for Pardubice. As a tribute to the lack of enthusiasm for bike polo exhibited by the other members of our less than numerous group and the general trend in the past months, we decided to aptly call our team Poločas Rozpadu (Half-life).

However, what we lacked in quantity we supplemented with quality and sailed through the first part of the tournament without letting a single goal against, winning all three games 5:0. We continued in this style through the play-off games, where we won 5:0 against Bussy Pussy in semifinals and finally 2:0 in the game for gold against Deer Hunters. Pussy Reggae lost in the battle for bronze medal to Bussy Pussy (yes, we see the naming pattern but we don’t know any details, it might be some Pardubice thing..). As a final bonus, we played one exhibition game against the best players Pardubice had to offer and after a much tougher match we prevailed once again and won 5:3.

All in all, we had a great time (even the weather was favorable, which can’t be said about the poor sods racing in the single-speed championships in rain and mud!) and we are looking forward to the spring tournament the Pardubice guys plan to organize.

More pictures at

Cats and Dogs or Polo, This Wednesday

No water polo

Weather permitting (meaning it’s not pouring cats and dogs), we are playing tomorrow, from 8:30 PM in Malešice. Clearly, we aren’t into water polo but if you are unsure about the weather, remember that as we say around here, you aren’t made of sugar and take advice from the Aussie Chopper Reid.

The Customary Wednesday Polo

As usual, we play at the Malešice rink. Start at 8:30 PM. It’s getting pretty chilly after the sun sets so be prepared!

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Hot Dog Cycles Shop
May 2024